Our Leaders
At Ryarsh Primary School, all of our teaching staff are leaders with specific areas of responsibility. This allows us to develop areas of expertise and use this to collectively improve our school in various ways.
Our Senior Leaders
Mr Childs - Headteacher
Mrs Harris - SENCo
Mrs McMulkin - Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Morris - Deputy Headteacher
Our Subject Leaders
Mrs Crozier - Religious Education & History
Mrs Fiander - Design Technology
Miss Fisher - Geography & Art
Mrs Howe - Forest School
Mrs Howman - Maths & Science
Mrs Loveday - Music, PSHE & School Council
Mrs McMulkin - Spelling, Reading & Behaviour
Mrs Morris - Handwriting & Phonics
Mr Payne - Writing & Computing
Mrs Watts - PE & OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning)
Other Areas of Leadership
Mr Childs - Assessment & Curriculum
Mrs Harris - Mental Health & Medical Needs
Mrs Morris - Pupil Premium, Early Help and Family Support
Our designated teacher for looked-after and previously looked-after children is Mrs Morris.