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Ryarsh Primary School

Special Educational Needs

At Ryarsh Primary School, we pride ourselves on being an inclusive environment; welcoming children with a range of needs and disabilities.

We attempt to use our best endeavours to secure special educational provision for pupils for whom this is required, that is “additional to and different from” that provided within the differentiated curriculum, to better respond to the four broad areas of need:

  • Communication and interaction,
  • Cognition and learning,
  • Social, mental and emotional health,
  • Sensory/physical.

We strive to make sure our learning environments cater for all need types through outstanding teaching and informed methods that enable all children to succeed academically, socially, morally, emotionally and spiritually.

If you wish to speak to a member of staff regarding our school approach to children with SEN, please make an appointment to see our SENCo, Mrs Harris by either contacting the office or emailing her directly at amanda.harris@ryarsh.kent.sch.uk

SEND Policy 

Our SEND policy details our approach to supporting children with Special Educational Needs. To read this policy, please click on the link below:

SEND Policy

Our policy is built on the SEN Code of Practise, which can be found by visiting:


SEND Annual Report

To find out about the impact of our SEN provision, please read our SEN annual report:

SEN Annual Report 2023-2024

Speech, Language and Communication 

If you have any concerns about your child’s speech, language or communication skills then there are some really helpful resources available on the Kent NHS pod.


Co-ordination and Sensory Difficulties

If you have concerns about your child’s co-ordination e.g. running, doing up buttons, using a knife and fork. Or you have concerns regarding their sensory processing e.g. they find noises very loud, respond negatively to smells and tastes, then there are some really helpful resources available on the OT section of the Kent NHS pod.


Local Authority Offer

If you wish to find out additional information about special education needs and what Kent has to offer then lots of information can be found at KCC's SEND information Hub: 
